This weeks last assignment was cute for getting an obvious observation from a six year old regarding cover art for classic adult books. What would have been more interesting is getting an adult to imagine what appeals to a six year old. For example why might one child pick up a copy of "Captain Underpants" over "James and the Giant Peach". What is it about the cover art of one book that appeals to children or how do they characterize it from their perspective to be worth reading? That kinda of consideration might be important for convincing a young reader that a particular book appropriate for them and also fun to read. Case in point, one of the first assignment from the beginning of week one was to identify children's book covers from I did horrible with that quiz. While it was just for fun, I could definitely become better acquainted with children's materials that I'm not so savvy with. I certainly couldn't do much better judging a children's book by it's cover than a six year old trying to create a narrative from obscure adult cover art.
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